Defeating the Evils of the Real Estate industry
What is Evil? Evil can be construed as anything that is wicked. Any action or object that causes harm or suffering to another person, animal or object is an act of evil. This Dussehra, we at Krisala Developers thought deeply about what the evils in the real estate industry are, and vowed to stick to a path of virtue that helps us defeat these evils, and emerge victorious.
The 10 Evils of Real Estate
1. Cost of Real Estate
It is noticable that the cost of buying a home is usually a lot higher than the average person can afford. Add to it the cost of furnishing and living in the house, the expense to buy a home eats away at a major chunk of one’s lifetime income.
Krisala Developers has value for money, affordable real estate starting at Rs. 28 lakhs only. This means that there is something available for every budget!
2. Remote Locations of Residential Projects
With cities getting over-developed and land getting scarcer, the upcoming residential projects are usually located in remote and innaccessible locations.
All projects of Krisala Developers are located in areas where there is ease of communication and easy connectivity, so that you can navigate a stress-free life.
3. Delayed Delivery of Properties
Real estate projects tend to have a delay in possession due to a reason of factors. This is usually not taken into account, and false promises are made to customers.
Krisala Developers takes pride in always having on-time delivery. We know the value of a home, and we won’t keep you away from it for long!
4. Lack of Transparency in the Proceedings
Usually, a customer is not aware of the process of the development of a project. It is easy to mislead and deceive, in order to make a booking.
At Krisala Developers, we educate the customer and make sure that they are aware of the development and status at every stage in the building of the project.
5. Inadequate Returns on Investment
After investing a significant chunk of money in real estate, the results could be less than satisfactory to a lot of customers.
The affordable prices of properties at Krisala Developers, the desirability of locations and the quality that the brand brings will not only give you a significantly increased value for the property, but will also make finding short & long-term rentals easy and lucrative.
6. Untrustworthy Real Estate Developers
Like in every industry, or every aspect in life, there is an ugly side to real estate. Developers who have not often been true to their word, or those that find the loopholes in the system and get away with delivering low-quality, inflated properties are a very real fact.
With 10 years of extensive experience, delivering superior quality homes and innovative construction solutions, Krisala Developers have created a name to be reckoned with trust and excellence.
7. Difficulty in Obtaining Finance
Once the property has been finalised, begins the tedious process of setting up finances in a proper manner. This process of red-tape and paper work easily takes some of the thrill away from the home-buying process.
At Krisala Developers, we are with you to guide every step of the way, with the paperwork, loans from financial institutions and intelligent payment schemes.
8. Lack of standardisation in the Real Estate Industry
The real estate industry is a long way off from being standardised. Every developer has a different way of operating, and it leads to chaos in the minds of an average customer.
At Krisala Developers, we follow a protocol that has proved immensely successful for the home-owners in our past projects. The process, from conception to possession(and even after) is established firmly, and makes things easier for the customer to grasp.
9. Communication Gap between Developers & Customers
Knowledge is a powerful weapon, and in the real estate industry, customers are often kept in the dark with regards to certain facts that may not be pleasing.
At Krisala Developers, we believe in the policy of full disclosure. To begin with, there are no sketchy facts about any of our projects, and we take pride in the virtue of our development.
10. Poor After-Sales Service
Once the sale is complete and possession is handed over, many developers will wash their hands off of the project completely, leaving customers helpless in case of something going wrong.
At Krisala Developers, we take full responsibility of our projects, and are available at both, a micro and macro level in case of any problem arising.
The philosophy of Krisala Developers is to always put our clients first. Their trust and faith is invaluable to us, and we work everyday towards strengthening our relationship with them. Our mode of operation, principles and ethics will take us a long way in defeating the evils of the Real Estate industry.